Read the text from a multi-line textbox line by line to remove all but an 8 character ID.
For example:
" Test ID: 12345678"
" Test ID: 12345678"
I wish to retrieve the ID's only and show on 1 line with a delimiter,
For example:
"12345678, 12345678"
I can do this on a single line using the following:
Private Sub btnTrim_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTrim.Click
Dim sTemp As String
Dim sCount As Integer
sTemp = ""
'loads a text file into the sTemp string
sTemp = GetFileContents(txtPath.Text)
'remove text from begining of the string
sTemp = sTemp.Remove("0", "10")
'check how long the sTemp string is now
sCount = sTemp - txtLength.Text
'remove all text after the txtLength number
sTemp = sTemp.Remove(txtLength.Text, sCount)
txtData.Text = sTemp
End Sub
I've tried to replicate this on a multi-line using Splits, Substrings and a For...Each loop - but have just ended up with a headache..
Any help would be greatly appreciated!