
Performing secure communication to a 3'rd party site on the server side - how to?




Hi, I'm writing a web site in asp.net, the web site is a kind of intermediate to an online store, i.e. the user will make an order on my site and I'll transfer it to another site and perform the transaction myself for him.

The problem is that the other side has a kind of 3 stage purchase procedure in which the user first gives the details, then gives the name of what he wants to buy and only then is the payment is done. The payment will be done with "my" credit card and this will complete the transaction. The problem is that the 3 parts I spoke of earlier are all https transactions and I need to simulate an https conversation with the website using the data I got from the user (actually posting the data he gave in my form to the secure https site).

My question is: is there some kind of way to transfer the data I receive in a form in my website to a 3'rd party secure site?

I have only basic knowledge of RSA and I would therefore appreciate a code sample and any reference to relevant classes.