



Feb 22 2004 7:14 PM
I am new in C#ing and I wanna know if someone can tell me how to use pointers, in the way I could use theme in Pascal or Delphi. I learned to use array in C# and I think that it is just a simulation of classic oldstyle "stack array",. Now it is written in Heap, and if someone could explain me (with example), how can I do next thing for example: I defined an array of 100 elements, and i want to add 101 element, how to make it happend (since it is heap mem), or how lo lower it to 99. or to erase 63-ird element and override 62 to 64th, but all this WITHOUT DELITING OTHER ELEMENTS IN ARRAY.... I mean all those things I could do with pointers in pascal.... Thank you! Nenad

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