I have a polygon, I rotate it 90 degrees, it shows up fine on the GUI, however the ActualHeight and ActualWidth are still the same as before. I have tried RenderTransform and LayoutTransform, but neither makes a difference.
How can I make it so the polygon's height and width get updated after the transform?
The following is in the constructor under InitializeComponent();
Polygon _currShape = new Polygon();
_currShape.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Blue;
System.Windows.Media.PointCollection pointCollection = new System.Windows.Media.PointCollection();
pointCollection.Add(new Point(23, 0));
pointCollection.Add(new Point(115, 0));
pointCollection.Add(new Point(115, 23));
pointCollection.Add(new Point(23, 23));
_currShape.Points = pointCollection;
Canvas.SetLeft(_currShape, 100);
Canvas.SetTop(_currShape, 100);
RotateTransform rt = new RotateTransform(90);
_currShape.RenderTransform = rt;