problem on stroed procedure
Hello friends,
Below is my store procedure
create procedure [dbo].[temptable] (@branchid int,@academicyearid int)
set nocount on
begin try
begin tran
declare @branchname varchar(50)
declare @acfy int ;
declare @acty int
select @branchname=Branch_name from Branch where Branch_id=@branchid
select @acfy=Acadamic_year_from,@acty=Acadamic_year_to from Acadamic_year where Acadamic_year_id=@academicyearid
create table #temptable(Brach_name int,Acadamic_year_from smallint,Acadamic_year_to smallint)
insert into #temptable(Brach_name,Acadamic_year_from,Acadamic_year_to)values(@branchname,@acfy,@acty)
select * from #temptable;
end try
begin catch
end catch
exec temptable 141,11
my task is i want to bind branchname and fromyear and to year to my window application form. is the procedure right or not? When execution there is no error on this store procedure but when i trace this in dubug mode everything ok.but it doesnt execute line select * from # temptable.i want to return thse three column to my windows form. please help me