Problem WebService calling COM+ proxy
I'm trying to make a call into an unmanaged COM+ component via it's application proxy from a .NET ASP Web service. This works fine from a vb.Net Console app, but I get a 'InvalidCastException : QueryInterface failed' exception when the call originates from an IIS hosted application. This leads me to think
that the problem is Security related but I would expect to see an 'Access is denied' error if this was the case.
The steps i've gone through are :-
1) Application Server
Create VB6.0 Single threaded ActiveX DLL 'MyServer'
Create a class 'Test' with one method GetString() - that
simply returns a string.
Create COM+ Application to run as a specific user
Create COM+ Application proxy
2) Web Service Server
Install COM+ Application Proxy
Create ASP.Net Web Service and virutal directory
Add COM reference to the COM+ App proxy DLL
Using webservice stub add code to create and call COM
component :-
dim str as string
dim svrObj as myServer.Test
svrObj = new myServer.Test
str = svrObj.GetString() *****Exception thrown here****!
Message = 'QueryInterface for interface myServer._Test
Any suggestions for a fix gratefully accepted!