i am an absolute beginner with .NET.
I am stuck on a connection string issue and was wondering if you could please help me…I would be grateful if you could provide any suggestions.
I am developing on oracle 9i db and .NET 2.0 using C#
I am connected to my local database (on my laptop). i put the connection string in the web.config file under appSettings:
<add key=”oracleConn” value=”PROVIDER=OraOLEDB; DATA Source=DEVP; UserId=ADWC;Password=ADWC” />
I then used this string in my .cs file to make a connection:
conOracle= new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationsSettings.AppSettings[“oracleConn”]);
I have the following command:
(query is a sql query string – I tested it in sql and it works fine)
cmdSelectRoom= new OleDbCommand(query, conOracle);
this is where the application bombs…it gives me a message saying
System.InvalidOperationException: “The ‘OraOLEDB’ provider is not registered on the local machine.”
I went to my Oracle home directory
Modified in the security tab of the properties window, under Authenticated Users, re-checked the “Read and Execute” box in the Permissions list and made sure it applied to the folder and subfolders/files, and rebooted…still the same problem.
Someone suggested I try
<add key=”oracleConn” value=”PROVIDER=msdaora; DATA Source=DEVP; UserId=ADWC;Password=ADWC” />
But that gives me yet another error :
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Oracle error occurred, but error message could not be retrieved from Oracle.
Thanks for your help