Problem with on_load event. Why is this happening?
Could someone please take a look at my code below and see if they can spot what is going wrong.
Basically i am developing a small application using the smart device platform.
I have a button on a form named Info2 (code below) that when clicked should open up a form named Requirements and then the Requirements_Load event should then populate each of the forms text boxes with the correct value.
However, currently the last two text boxes which require the 'chosen_type' and 'feed_repetitions' (both in bold below)variables do not display the correct value when the Requirements form is loaded.
Instead, the 'chosen_type' variable is set to Jevity-the first entry in the array, and the feed_repetitions is still at zero.
However, then when i click on a button back to Info2 and then from Info2 click 'Next' to go forward to the Requirements form all of the text boxes display the correct values.
I have bolded section pertaining to assigning values to the chosen_type and feed_repetitions in the code below.
Code for Info2 form
visual basic code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub BtnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnNext.Click
If Me.ComBxMob.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Select the Mobility Value", "Input Error")
ElseIf Me.ComBxTempAdj.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Select the Energy Adjustment for Temperature", "Input Error")
ElseIf ComBxProtein.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Select the Nitrogen Value", "Input Error")
ElseIf Me.ComBxEnergyChange.Text <> "" And Me.TxtBxEnergyChange.Text = "" Then
MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Energy Change Value", "Input Error")
ElseIf Me.ComBxEnergyChange.Text = "" And Me.TxtBxEnergyChange.Text = "" Then
'goReq_Details = New Req_Details
goRequirements = New Requirements
If Me.ComBxEnergyChange.Text = "Increase" Then
EnergyChangeAdd = Me.TxtBxEnergyChange.Text
'goReq_Details = New Req_Details
goRequirements = New Requirements
End If
If Me.ComBxEnergyChange.Text = "Decrease" Then
EnergyChangeMin = Me.TxtBxEnergyChange.Text
'goReq_Details = New Req_Details
goRequirements = New Requirements
End If
End If
End Sub--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Code for Requirements_Load in Requirements Form
visual basic code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Requirements_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim chosen_type As String
Dim qty_required As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim mj As Integer
mj = 999999
Dim feed_divisor As Double
Dim feed_repetitions As Integer
If Temperature > 37 Then
AddFluid = (Temperature - 37) * 2
ElseIf Temperature <= 37 Then
AddFluid = 0
End If
If Sex = "Male" Then
Select Case Age
Case "15-18"
BMR = ((17.6 * Weight) + 656)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "19-30"
BMR = ((15.0 * Weight) + 690)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "31-60"
BMR = ((11.4 * Weight) + 870)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "61+"
BMR = ((11.7 * Weight) + 585)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
End Select
Select Case Age
Case "15-18"
BMR = ((13.3 * Weight) + 690)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "19-30"
BMR = ((14.8 * Weight) + 485)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "31-60"
BMR = ((8.1 * Weight) + 842)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
Case "61+"
BMR = ((9 * Weight) + 656)
TotalFluid = (AddFluid + (35 * Weight))
End Select
End If
Select Case Mobility
Case "Bedbound Immobile"
MobilityVal = (BMR * 0.1)
Case "Bedbound Mobile"
MobilityVal = (BMR * 0.15)
Case "Mobile On Ward"
MobilityVal = (BMR * 0.2)
End Select
Select Case TemperatureAdj
Case "None"
TemperatureVal = (0)
Case "10% Increase"
TemperatureVal = (BMR * 0.1)
End Select
For i = 0 To UBound(feed_data)
j = TotalEnergy Mod feed_data(i, 1)
k = TotalEnergy Mod feed_data(i, 1)
If j > 50 Then
j = feed_data(i, 1) - j
End If
If j < mj Then
mj = j
feed_divisor = feed_data(i, 1)
If k > 50 Then
feed_repetitions = (TotalEnergy / feed_divisor) + 1
feed_repetitions = (TotalEnergy / feed_divisor)
End If
chosen_type = feed_data(i, 0)
End If
TotalEnergy = (BMR + MobilityVal + TemperatureVal + EnergyChangeAdd - EnergyChangeMin)
TxtBxTot2.Text = TotalEnergy
TotalProtein = (Nitrogen * 6.25 * Weight)
TxtBxProtein.Text() = TotalProtein
TxtBxFluid.Text() = TotalFluid
TotalSodium = (Weight * 1) + AddFluid
TxtBxSodium.Text() = TotalSodium
TotalPotassium = (Weight * 1) + AddFluid
TxtBxPotassium.Text() = TotalPotassium
TxtBxFeedSuggested.Text() = chosen_type
TxtBxQuantitySuggested.Text() = 100 * feed_repetitions
End Sub