
Problem with using 2 StreamReaders

Hi, i have a problem using 2 StreamReaders like this:

 private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 

         FileInfo file = new FileInfo("key.txt");
         FileInfo file2 = new FileInfo("value.txt");

         StreamReader stRead = file.OpenText(); 

         using (stRead) 
while (!stRead.EndOfStream)
                         string key = stRead.ReadLine(); 
                         numberCount.Content = countItems.ToString(); 
         StreamReader stRead2 = file2.OpenText();  

         using (stRead2) 
while (!stRead2.EndOfStream) 
                        string key = stRead.ReadLine(); 
                         string value = stRead2.ReadLine();  
                         if (value != nullif (key != null) list.Add(key, value); 

The first one works fine (stRead), but when it gets to second one (stRead2), then it get the while statement !stRead2.EndOfStream == true and it skips the loop for some reason, can anyone help me? And will the list.Add() even work in the list?
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