
Problems on NiceMenu

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Hello! I would like to beautify my menuitem for the SystemTray Example, does it possible? But it always show "int numOldMenu = myMenu.Count;" has problem? Why? The coding of SystemTrayExample is listed as following (SystemTray.cs): using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Resources; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading ; using Utility.NiceMenu; namespace Demo { public class SystemTray : System.Windows.Forms.Form { private System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon WSNotifyIcon; private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components; private Icon mDirIcon = new Icon(typeof(SystemTray).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("SystemTrayExample.FLGUSA02.ICO")); //private NiceMenu myMenu ; public SystemTray() { //constructor for the form InitializeComponent(); //keep the form hidden this.Hide(); //OnMyMenu(); //InitializeNotifyIcon(); NiceMenu myNiceMenu = new NiceMenu(); myNiceMenu.UpdateMenu (this.ContextMenu ,new NiceMenuClickEvent (InitializeNotifyIcon)); } /// /// Clean up any resources being used. /// protected override void Dispose( bool disposing ) { if( disposing ) { if (components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose( disposing ); } #region Windows Form Designer generated code /// /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify /// the contents of this method with the code editor. /// private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.WSNotifyIcon = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon(this.components); // // WSNotifyIcon // this.WSNotifyIcon.Text = ""; this.WSNotifyIcon.Visible = true; //this.WSNotifyIcon.MouseDown += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.WSNotifyIcon_MouseDown); // // SystemTray // this.AccessibleRole = System.Windows.Forms.AccessibleRole.None; this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13); this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(8, 7); this.ControlBox = false; this.Enabled = false; this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; this.MaximizeBox = false; this.MinimizeBox = false; this.Name = "SystemTray"; this.Opacity = 0; this.ShowInTaskbar = false; this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.Manual; } #endregion /// /// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.Run(new SystemTray()); } public void ExitControlForm(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Hide the NotifyIcon. WSNotifyIcon.Visible=false; this.Close(); } //private void InitializeNotifyIcon() private void InitializeNotifyIcon(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //setup the Icon NotifyIcon WSNotifyIcon = new NotifyIcon(); WSNotifyIcon.Icon = mDirIcon; WSNotifyIcon.Text = "System Tray Example"; WSNotifyIcon.Visible = true; //Create the submenus - any number will do MenuItem[] subMnuItems1 = new MenuItem[3]; subMnuItems1[0] = new MenuItem("Submenu 1", new EventHandler(this.ExitControlForm)); subMnuItems1[1] = new MenuItem("Submenu 2", new EventHandler(this.ExitControlForm)); subMnuItems1[2] = new MenuItem("Submenu 3", new EventHandler(this.ExitControlForm)); //Create the MenuItem objects and add them to //the context menu of the NotifyIcon. MenuItem[] mnuItems = new MenuItem[3]; //create the menu items array mnuItems[0] = new MenuItem("Sub Menu Items"); mnuItems[0].MenuItems.AddRange(subMnuItems1); mnuItems[0].DefaultItem=true; mnuItems[1] = new MenuItem("-"); mnuItems[2] = new MenuItem("Exit", new EventHandler(this.ExitControlForm)); //add the menu items to the context menu of the NotifyIcon ContextMenu notifyIconMenu = new ContextMenu(mnuItems); WSNotifyIcon.ContextMenu=notifyIconMenu; } } } The coding of NiceMenu is listed as following (NiceMenu.cs): /* *************************************** * NiceMenu.cs (v 1.1) * -------------------------------------- * This is an improvement by Francesco Natali ([email protected]) * over an improvement by Sajith M * of the "Visual Studio .NET Menu Style" * by Carlos H. Perez that appeared on CodeProject * (http://www.codeproject.com) * --------------------------------------- * How to use it * You have to add: * using Utility.NiceMenu; * and after the "InitializeComponent()" code: * NiceMenu myNiceMenu = new NiceMenu(); * myNiceMenu.UpdateMenu(this.nameofyourmainmenu, new NiceMenuClickEvent(nameofyourclickfunction)); * --------------------------------------- * With only three lines of code your menu * will be AUTOMATICALLY updated with * a new great .Net style menu! * ****************************************/ namespace Utility.NiceMenu { using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; /* ****************************************************** * NiceMenuClickEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e) * ------------------------------------------------------ * this is a delegate event that will be initializate with * the user function to handle the click event on the menu * ******************************************************/ public delegate void NiceMenuClickEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e); /* ****************************************************** * This is a simple example of a function * to handle the click event: * ----------------------------------------------------- public void myClickMenuEvent(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (typeof(NiceMenu).IsInstanceOfType(sender)) { NiceMenu item = (NiceMenu)sender; MessageBox.Show(item.Text); //example } } * ******************************************************/ /// /// A great and free improvement menu class! /// public class NiceMenu : MenuItem { /* If you want to add some incons in your menu * you have to: * 1. add an imagelist control in your form * 2. add your icons in your imagelist control * 3. add in your menu items the index of the icon * in the first two characters. For example: * 00New * 01Open * 02Close * 4. After the "NiceMenu myNiceMenu = new NiceMenu();" code * you have to add this simple line of code: * myNiceMenu.imgMenu = nameofyourimagelist; * */ /// /// Set "MenuImages" with the your ImageList to add icons in your menu. /// public ImageList MenuImages; // NiceMenu array to save the main menu item // so at runtime i can search an item and modify it private static NiceMenu[] myModifyNiceMenu = new NiceMenu[20]; private static NiceMenu[] myModifyContextNiceMenu = new NiceMenu[20]; private static int contModify = 0; private static int contModifyContext = 0; private static Color window; // Some useful properties to change the color of your menu private static Color backcolor; private static Color barcolor; private static Color selectioncolor; private static Color framecolor; private static int iconSize = SystemInformation.SmallIconSize.Width + 5; private static int itemHeight; private static bool doColorUpdate = false; private string shortcuttext = ""; private Image icon = null; private static int BITMAP_SIZE = 16; private static int STRIPE_WIDTH = iconSize + 5; public NiceMenu() : base() { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } private NiceMenu(string name) : base(name) { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } // public for the AddRecentFile function public NiceMenu(string name, EventHandler handler) : base(name, handler) { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } private NiceMenu(string name, NiceMenu[] items) : base(name, items) { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } private NiceMenu(string name, EventHandler handler, Shortcut shortcut) : base(name, handler, shortcut) { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } private NiceMenu(MenuMerge mergeType, int mergeOrder, Shortcut shortcut, string name, EventHandler onClick, EventHandler onPopup, EventHandler onSelect, NiceMenu[] items) : base(mergeType, mergeOrder, shortcut, name, onClick, onPopup, onSelect, items) { OwnerDraw = true; UpdateColors(); } private NiceMenu(string name, Image img) : this(name) { icon = img; } private NiceMenu(string name, EventHandler handler, Image img) : this(name, handler) { icon = img; } private NiceMenu(string name, EventHandler handler, Shortcut shortcut, Image img) : this(name, handler, shortcut) { icon = img; } // ********************************************************* private Image Icon { get { return icon; } set { icon = value; } } private string ShortcutText { get { return shortcuttext; } set { shortcuttext = value; } } public Color SelectionColor { get { return selectioncolor; } set { selectioncolor = value; } } public Color BackColor { get { return backcolor; } set { backcolor = value; } } public Color BarColor { get { return barcolor; } set { barcolor = value; } } public Color FrameColor { get { return framecolor; } set { framecolor = value; } } //************************************************************************ private void UpdateColors() { window = SystemColors.Window; backcolor = SystemColors.ControlLightLight; barcolor = SystemColors.Control; selectioncolor = SystemColors.Highlight; framecolor = SystemColors.Highlight; int wa = (int)window.A; int wr = (int)window.R; int wg = (int)window.G; int wb = (int)window.B; int mna = (int)backcolor.A; int mnr = (int)backcolor.R; int mng = (int)backcolor.G; int mnb = (int)backcolor.B; int sta = (int)barcolor.A; int str = (int)barcolor.R; int stg = (int)barcolor.G; int stb = (int)barcolor.B; int sla = (int)selectioncolor.A; int slr = (int)selectioncolor.R; int slg = (int)selectioncolor.G; int slb = (int)selectioncolor.B; backcolor = Color.FromArgb(wr-(((wr-mnr)*2)/5), wg-(((wg-mng)*2)/5), wb-(((wb-mnb)*2)/5)); barcolor = Color.FromArgb(wr-(((wr-str)*4)/5), wg-(((wg-stg)*4)/5), wb-(((wb-stb)*4)/5)); selectioncolor = Color.FromArgb(wr-(((wr-slr)*2)/5), wg-(((wg-slg)*2)/5), wb-(((wb-slb)*2)/5)); } private static void UpdateMenuColors() { doColorUpdate = true; } private void DoUpdateMenuColors() { UpdateColors(); doColorUpdate = false; } protected override void OnMeasureItem(MeasureItemEventArgs e) { base.OnMeasureItem(e); if (Shortcut != Shortcut.None) { string text = ""; int key = (int)Shortcut; int ch = key & 0xFF; if (((int)Keys.Control & key) > 0) text += "Ctrl+"; if (((int)Keys.Shift & key) > 0) text += "Shift+"; if (((int)Keys.Alt & key) > 0) text += "Alt+"; if (ch >= (int)Shortcut.F1 && ch <= (int)Shortcut.F12) text += "F" + (ch - (int)Shortcut.F1 + 1); else { if ( Shortcut == Shortcut.Del) { text += "Del"; } else { text += (char)ch; } } shortcuttext = text; } if (Text == "-") { e.ItemHeight = 8; e.ItemWidth = 4; return; } bool topLevel = Parent == Parent.GetMainMenu(); string tempShortcutText = shortcuttext; if ( topLevel ) { tempShortcutText = ""; } int textwidth = (int)(e.Graphics.MeasureString(Text + tempShortcutText, SystemInformation.MenuFont).Width); int extraHeight = 4; e.ItemHeight = SystemInformation.MenuHeight + extraHeight; if ( topLevel ) e.ItemWidth = textwidth - 5; else e.ItemWidth = Math.Max(160, textwidth + 50); itemHeight = e.ItemHeight; } protected override void OnDrawItem(DrawItemEventArgs e) { if ( doColorUpdate) { DoUpdateMenuColors(); } base.OnDrawItem(e); Graphics g = e.Graphics; Rectangle bounds = e.Bounds; bool selected = (e.State & DrawItemState.Selected) > 0; bool toplevel = (Parent == Parent.GetMainMenu()); bool hasicon = Icon != null; bool enabled = Enabled; DrawBackground(g, bounds, e.State, toplevel, hasicon, enabled); if (hasicon) DrawIcon(g, Icon, bounds, selected, Enabled, Checked); else { if (Checked) DrawCheckmark(g, bounds, selected); if (RadioCheck) DrawRadioCheckmark(g, bounds, selected); } if (Text == "-") { DrawSeparator(g, bounds); } else { DrawMenuText(g, bounds, Text, shortcuttext, Enabled, toplevel, e.State); } } /* ****************************** * DrawRadioCheckmark * ******************************/ private void DrawRadioCheckmark(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, bool selected) { int checkTop = bounds.Top + (itemHeight - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; int checkLeft = bounds.Left + ( STRIPE_WIDTH - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph(g, new Rectangle(checkLeft, checkTop, BITMAP_SIZE, BITMAP_SIZE), MenuGlyph.Bullet); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(framecolor), checkLeft-1, checkTop-1, BITMAP_SIZE+1, BITMAP_SIZE+1); } private void DrawCheckmark(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, bool selected) { int checkTop = bounds.Top + (itemHeight - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; int checkLeft = bounds.Left + ( STRIPE_WIDTH - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph(g, new Rectangle(checkLeft, checkTop, BITMAP_SIZE, BITMAP_SIZE), MenuGlyph.Checkmark); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(framecolor), checkLeft-1, checkTop-1, BITMAP_SIZE+1, BITMAP_SIZE+1); } private void DrawIcon(Graphics g, Image icon, Rectangle bounds, bool selected, bool enabled, bool ischecked) { int iconTop = bounds.Top + (itemHeight - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; int iconLeft = bounds.Left + (STRIPE_WIDTH - BITMAP_SIZE)/2; if (enabled) { if (selected) { ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(g, icon, iconLeft + 1, iconTop, Color.Black); g.DrawImage(icon, iconLeft, iconTop-1); } else { g.DrawImage(icon, iconLeft + 1, iconTop); } } else { ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled(g, icon, iconLeft + 1, iconTop, SystemColors.HighlightText); } } private void DrawSeparator(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds) { int y = bounds.Y + bounds.Height / 2; g.DrawLine(new Pen(SystemColors.ControlDark), bounds.X + iconSize + 7, y, bounds.X + bounds.Width - 2, y); } private void DrawBackground(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, DrawItemState state, bool toplevel, bool hasicon, bool enabled) { bool selected = (state & DrawItemState.Selected) > 0; if (selected || ((state & DrawItemState.HotLight) > 0)) { if (toplevel && selected) { bounds.Inflate(-1, 0); g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(barcolor), bounds); ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Width, bounds.Height, Border3DStyle.Flat, Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Right); } else { if ( enabled ) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(selectioncolor), bounds); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(framecolor), bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width - 1, bounds.Height - 1); } else { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(barcolor), bounds); bounds.X += STRIPE_WIDTH; bounds.Width -= STRIPE_WIDTH; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(backcolor), bounds); } } } else { if (!toplevel) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(barcolor), bounds); bounds.X += STRIPE_WIDTH; bounds.Width -= STRIPE_WIDTH; g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(backcolor), bounds); } else { g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, bounds); } } } private void DrawMenuText(Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, string text, string shortcut, bool enabled, bool toplevel, DrawItemState state ) { StringFormat stringformat = new StringFormat(); stringformat.HotkeyPrefix = ((state & DrawItemState.NoAccelerator) > 0) ? HotkeyPrefix.Hide : HotkeyPrefix.Show; if ( toplevel ) { int index = text.IndexOf("&"); if ( index != -1 ) { text = text.Remove(index,1); } } int textwidth = (int)(g.MeasureString(text, SystemInformation.MenuFont).Width); int x = toplevel ? bounds.Left + (bounds.Width - textwidth) / 2: bounds.Left + iconSize + 10; int topGap = 4; if ( toplevel ) topGap = 2; int y = bounds.Top + topGap; Brush brush = null; if (!enabled) brush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.GrayText); else brush = new SolidBrush(SystemColors.MenuText); g.DrawString(text, SystemInformation.MenuFont, brush, x, y, stringformat); if ( !toplevel ) { stringformat.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft; g.DrawString(shortcut, SystemInformation.MenuFont, brush, bounds.Width - 10 , bounds.Top + topGap, stringformat); } } /* ****************************************************** * UpdateMenu(MainMenu yourOldMenu) * UpdateMenu(ContextMenu yourOldMenu) * ------------------------------------------------------ * this function will update the user old menu * ******************************************************/ /// /// this function will update your Main Menu. /// public void UpdateMenu(MainMenu yourOldMenu, NiceMenuClickEvent yourClickFunction) { IList myMenuList = new Menu.MenuItemCollection(yourOldMenu); BuildMenuTree(myMenuList, yourOldMenu, yourClickFunction); } /// /// this function will update your Context Menu. /// public void UpdateMenu(ContextMenu yourOldMenu, NiceMenuClickEvent yourClickFunction) { IList myMenuList = new Menu.MenuItemCollection(yourOldMenu); BuildMenuTree(myMenuList, yourOldMenu, yourClickFunction); } /* *********************************************************** * BuildMenuTree (IList myMenu, MenuItem parentMenu) * ----------------------------------------------------------- * build the new submenu item * ***********************************************************/ private void BuildMenuTree(IList myMenu, MenuItem parentMenu, NiceMenuClickEvent yourClickFunction) { foreach (MenuItem myMenuItem in myMenu) { // Declaration NiceMenu newSubMenu; string IndexImage = ""; bool AddMenuImage = false; /* If in the first two characters of the menu item text * there is a number I set AddMenuImage = true and the * IndexImage to get the icon in the image list control. */ if (myMenuItem.Text.Length > 2) { IndexImage = myMenuItem.Text.Substring(0,2); if (Char.IsNumber(IndexImage,1) == true) { AddMenuImage = true; // I have to delete first two characters myMenuItem.Text = myMenuItem.Text.Substring(2); } } if (AddMenuImage == true) newSubMenu = new NiceMenu(myMenuItem.Text, new EventHandler(yourClickFunction), myMenuItem.Shortcut, MenuImages.Images[Convert.ToInt32(IndexImage)]); else newSubMenu = new NiceMenu(myMenuItem.Text, new EventHandler(yourClickFunction), myMenuItem.Shortcut); // I add the new menu item to its parent parentMenu.MenuItems.Add(newSubMenu); // Checked if (myMenuItem.Checked == true) newSubMenu.Checked = true; // RadioCheck if (myMenuItem.RadioCheck == true) if (myMenuItem.Checked == true) newSubMenu.RadioCheck = true; // DefaultItem if (myMenuItem.DefaultItem == true) newSubMenu.DefaultItem = true; // Enabled if (myMenuItem.Enabled == false) newSubMenu.Enabled = false; // If this menu item contains child menu items if (myMenuItem.IsParent == true) { IList mySubMenu = new Menu.MenuItemCollection(myMenuItem); BuildMenuTree(mySubMenu, newSubMenu, yourClickFunction); } } } /* *********************************************************** * BuildMenuTree (IList myMenu, MainMenu parentMenu) * BuildMenuTree (IList myMenu, ContextMenu parentMenu, NiceMenuClickEvent yourClickFunction) * ----------------------------------------------------------- * build the new main menus and delete the old ones * ***********************************************************/ private void BuildMenuTree(IList myMenu, MainMenu parentMenu, NiceMenuClickEvent yourClickFunction) { int numOldMenu = myMenu.Count; foreach (MenuItem myMenuItem in myMenu) { NiceMenu newMainMenu = new NiceMenu(myMenuItem.Text); parentMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMainMenu); if (myModifyNiceMenu[contModify] == null) { myModifyNiceMenu[contModify] = newMainMenu; contModify ++; } if (myMenuItem.IsParent == true) { IList mySubMenu = new Menu.MenuItemCollection(myMenuItem); BuildMenuTree(mySubMenu, newMainMenu, yourClickFunction); } } // Now I have to delete the old menus for (int i=0;i 2) { IndexImage = myMenuItem.Text.Substring(0,2); if (Char.IsNumber(IndexImage,1) == true) { AddMenuImage = true; // I have to delete first two characters myMenuItem.Text = myMenuItem.Text.Substring(2); } } if (AddMenuImage == true) newMainMenu = new NiceMenu(myMenuItem.Text, new EventHandler(yourClickFunction), myMenuItem.Shortcut, MenuImages.Images[Convert.ToInt32(IndexImage)]); else newMainMenu = new NiceMenu(myMenuItem.Text, new EventHandler(yourClickFunction), myMenuItem.Shortcut); parentMenu.MenuItems.Add(newMainMenu); if (myModifyContextNiceMenu[contModifyContext] == null) { myModifyContextNiceMenu[contModifyContext] = newMainMenu; contModifyContext ++; } if (myMenuItem.IsParent == true) { IList mySubMenu = new Menu.MenuItemCollection(myMenuItem); BuildMenuTree(mySubMenu, newMainMenu, yourClickFunction); } } // Now I have to delete the old menus for (int i=0;i
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