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@Kirtan this is original code by me to create a dynamic SQL update statement without any hard coding in the application, of course you cannot use this code without the thousands of other lines of original code used in developing the controls used to make this code work.

Controls like Text boxes, Combo Boxes that get data from an sql database WITHOUT being data bound, TreeViews that load data without hard coding, controls that finds ALL computers on a network, Controls that automatically moves to the next control in order of data entry NOT tab order but ONLY if it is allowed to , Combo and list boxes that are part of a data entry set who get their data from a lookup table without hard coding what to do with these when inserting or updating records in a database, Buttons that save, edit and delete records without hard coding by the developer.

Have you done anything similar.
  internal string createUpdateWithValues(string groupName)
    int gIndex = GetControlGroupIndexByName(groupName);
    string setPart = "";
    string equalPart="";
    string ctrlName = "";
    string value = "";
    string sTmp="";
    int start, end;
    if(gn[gIndex].GroupSqlUpdate != ""){
      setPart =  gn[gIndex].GroupSqlUpdate;
      start = setPart.IndexOf("SET") + 3;
      setPart = setPart.Substring(start);
      while(setPart.IndexOf("@") >= 0){  // as long as there is an @ in the string
         //get = part of string
         //get the control name from the string and strip the @ indicator
         start = setPart.IndexOf("@");     //get ctrl name start
         equalPart =  setPart.Substring(0, start);
         setPart  =  setPart.Substring(start);
         start = setPart.IndexOf("@")+1;   //get ctrl name start
         end = setPart.IndexOf(",")-1;     //get ctrl name end
         if(end <= 0)
           end = setPart.Length-1;         //get ctrl name if no , found
         ctrlName = setPart.Substring(start, end);  //get value from ctrl  

         if(setPart.IndexOf(",") > 0)
           setPart = setPart.Remove(start-1, setPart.IndexOf(",")+1);
           setPart = setPart.Remove(start-1, setPart.Length);
         value =  getControlData(gIndex, ctrlName);
         value = common.checkSingleQuote(value);
         sTmp += equalPart + value + ",";
       if(sTmp.Substring(sTmp.Length-1,1) == ",")
        sTmp = sTmp.Substring(0, sTmp.Length-1);
       setPart = sTmp;
       //re-construct set statement
       sTmp = gn[gIndex].GroupSqlUpdate.Substring(0, gn[gIndex].GroupSqlUpdate.IndexOf("SET"));
       sTmp += "SET " + setPart;
       // need to have a WHERE part
       sTmp += " WHERE " + gn[gIndex].RecordIdFieldName + " = " + gn[gIndex].GroupRecordId;
       gn[gIndex].GroupSqlInsert = sTmp;