I have a problem with event that doesnt raise when its raised from client. Searshed for a solution for days now without any luck...
I dont know if its a WCF problem or a general VB.net problem. Maybe threading problem?
No error messages at all.
'My WCF service class
Public Class LogProLiveCommunication
Implements ILogProLiveCommunication
Public Event Test(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'This function is called by the WCF client and works ok except from the raise event Test!?!
Public Function ConnectToLogProLive(ByVal clientName As String, ByVal clientIP As String) As String Implements ILogProLiveCommunication.ConnectToLogProLive
MsgBox("Client Connected: " & clientName & " IP: " & clientIP)
Debug.Write("Service: RaiseEvent Klient Ansluten: " & clientName & " IP: " & clientIP) 'This works
RaiseEvent Test(Me, New EventArgs) 'This doesnt work
Return "Ok" 'Works
End Function
Public Sub raiseEventTest()
RaiseEvent Test(Me, New EventArgs) 'This one is fired ok
End Sub
End Class