rdlc reporting problem in winforms
I got the report using rdlc by the report wizard but i can't view anything by using this methode
Here I just added a report file report2.rdlc and a report viewer reportViewer2 to the form. and no more process
done with out the following code in a button click
My code in button click event
String get_results = "SELECT * FROM Employee";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Connection String");
SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter(get_results, con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource repds = new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportDataSource
reportViewer2.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
String rPath = @"F:\report\report2.rdlc";
reportViewer2.LocalReport.ReportPath = rPath;
reportViewer2.Visible = true;
... i don't get any result on my form... if it need to assign something to the rdlc file or reportviwer other
than the above code, or should i insert a dataset or anything other than the code.. if it need please help me it
in programmatically....