
Read in two XML files and display in dataGrid object

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Hi, I'm really new at coding with C#, so I was wondering if someone can help me with this. I was wondering if it is possible for me to read in two different XML files and display them in a DataGrid object without having to manually parse through the nodes. The two files are unrelated to each other, but some information can be displayed in the same column. assignments.xml: my title my subject Feb 3 my instructions my title2 my subject2 May 4 poopy head events.xml: Recital June 4 be there on time Currently I have this in my code to read in the assignments.xml file into a DataSet object and bind it to a DataGrid: DataSet dsLocker = new DataSet("Locker"); dsLocker.ReadXml("assignments.xml"); dataGrid1.DataSource = dsLocker.Tables[0]; I'm coding for a pocketPC application using the .NET Compact Framework. If I use dsLocker.ReadXml on different filenames, would it read the files into different tables? If I read the files into different datasets instead, can I merge them so that I can display the info in one table? Thank you in advance for the help, I really appreciate it.

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