
Reflected Private Events Problem

Joshua Foulk

Joshua Foulk


I have the following code in C# that I use to load a silverlight usercontrol dynamically.  The usercontrol has some events that I would like to handle within my hosting application.  The basics for the reflection should be the same for any C# application and I'm using .Net 3.5.

Here's my code:  (It is raised after my WebClient downloads the DLL)

AssemblyPart ap = new AssemblyPart();

Assembly _mpc = ap.Load(e.Result);

MyControl = (UserControl)_mpc.CreateInstance("MyNamespace.MyControl");

MyControl.Width = 500;

MyControl.Height = 440;


Type t = MyControl.GetType();

EventInfo ei = t.GetEvent("MyEvent");

Type et = ei.EventHandlerType;

MethodInfo eventHandler = typeof(MainPage).GetMethod("OnMyEvent", BindingFlags.NonPublic);

Delegate d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(et, this, eventHandler.Name);

MethodInfo addHandler = ei.GetAddMethod();

Object[] addHandlerArgs = { d };

addHandler.Invoke(MyControl, addHandlerArgs);

// Initialize the User Control

MethodInfo mi = t.GetMethod("Init", new Type[]{typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string)});

mi.Invoke(MyControl, new object[] { App.Current.Host.Source.Host, App.Current.Host.Source.Port, strParam });

_mpc = null;

And here is the local event handler:

public void OnMyEvent(string strValue)




The problem I am facing is this:

I want to change the local event handler to private, but if I do (and change my BindingFlags to NonPublic) the debugger tells me that eventHandler is null (it's not finding the method) in this line:

Delegate d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(et, this, eventHandler.Name);

It will call the OnMyEvent method if I add BindingFlags.Instance to BindingFlags.NonPublic; however, doing so makes it so that strValue is always null (even though it shouldn't be).

What am I doing wrong here?


Joshua Foulk