
Refreshing Data




im having problems keeping some data up to date. every 60 minutes data is input into a database which works fine but when the data is refreshed it always comes back with the original data. if i open and close the program then it will refresh.

I have these 2 functions that are run below

Pulse is working fine and a new line is inserted correctly. Refresh values is ran on open which works fine and then again after every time pulse is ran but the information it gets is always the same as the first time it is ran. I'm gueesing it because the information is somehow cache'd somewhere and not being refreshed. 

  public void Pulse()
   string istring = @"INSERT INTO tblUsers (username, distance, pulsetime) VALUES ('" + Environment.UserName + "'," + this.labSeshDistance.Text + ",#" + DateTime.Now + "#);";
//@"INSERT into tblUsers (username, distance) VALUES ('" + Environment.UserName + "',0);";
   OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(istring, conn);

  public void RefreshValues()
   adap = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT SUM(distance) AS tdistance FROM tblUsers WHERE username='" + Environment.UserName + "'",conn);

   DataRow myline = datat.Rows[0];


At the start of the class I have these 3 lines

  OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=L:\BDSU\Archive\Personal - TO BE SORTED\Scott Thurlow\InTheDistance.mdb; User Id=admin; Password=;");
  OleDbDataAdapter adap = new OleDbDataAdapter();
  DataTable datat = new DataTable(); 

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