I have a tables named Persons (Name varchar, ID int, RelationshipId varchar) and Relationship (RelationshipId varchar, RelationName varchar).
Here is the Data in tables,
Person Table
Name ID RelationshipId
XX 1 1
YY 2 1,2
ZZ 3 2
AA 4 3
Relationship Table
RelationshipId RelationName
1 Employee
2 Officer
3 Customer
4 NoRelation
RelationshipId values are dynamic in Person table. it may have multiple values in each cell. it will change dynamically, when it is upated from application.
I want replace RelationshipId with RelationName from Relationship table in Person table.
Please suggest query, regex to get as below,
Person Table
Name ID RelationshipName
XX 1 Employee
YY 2 Employee,Officer
ZZ 3 Officer
AA 4 Customer