I work on C# VS05 Window. My problem is ,i can not show the group amount in word...For more clarification :
WorkerID Designation Name CurrentSalary DueSalary
1 AC A 100 0
2 AC B 180 20
3 EG C 100 80
4 EG D 120 0
5 MD E 1000 0
6 AC F 1200 70
7 EG G 100 90
Group of AC
WorkerID Designation Name CurrentSalary DueSalary
1 AC A 100 0
2 AC B 180 20
6 AC F 1200 70
1480 90
Current Amount : One thousand Four hundred eighty Due Amount : Ninety
In my rdlc report i show report on group of Designation
.....In my group footer put sum of currentSalary...I do that But i need
to show CurrentSalary and DueSalary Amount in word also ......But How
to ?