I am having a hard time finding solution to this problem, I am trying to save a PDF file using iText Sharp in Windows Form Application however everytime I try to save the file I have to feed the file name manually, What i want to do is that when "Save As" Dialog Box appears the file name should auto populate by concatenating values from 3 different textboxes as a file name.
For eg. File Name: CID1CON4INV125
stands for Customer ID
which is 1
stands for Contract ID
which is 4
stands for Invoice ID
which is 125 and is unique
Above example may be very tedious to remember if i have to chose a file name everytime, is there a way that i can automate this process by taking the file name from txtCustomerID.Text and txtContractID.Text and txtInvoiceID.Text and prepare a file name to be saved as PDF.