using System;
using ASMSCTRLLib; <---- can someone tell me y this namespace are not found and unable to compile?
namespace ConsoleApplication1
/// Summary description for Class1.
class Class1
/// The main entry point for the application.
static void Main(string[] args)
objSMSC = new SMSC();
objSMSC.Device = "Standard 19200 bps Modem";
objSMSC.Recipient = "31624896641"; // to 0624896641 in the Netherlands (+31)
objSMSC.MessageText = "Hello, world";
objSMSC.LogFile = "c:\\smslog.txt"; // Trace log to see what's going on
Console.Write( "Sending the message...\n" );
objSMSC.SendMessage( 0 ); // 0 means: through GSM phone or SMS device
if( objSMSC.LastError != 0 )
Console.WriteLine( "Failed to send message, error: " );
Console.WriteLine( objSMSC.GetErrorDescription( objSMSC.LastError ) + "\n" );
Console.WriteLine( "Message successfully delivered\n" );
Console.WriteLine( "Ready." );