I have written a service in c#.
The service run fine and giving expected result on my development machine (which is window xp, 32 bit system)
But when I deploy this service on client machine (which is Window 7 64 bit system)
It show wrong behavior and produce unexpected result.
I am amending here the some part of log for two packets, which I wrote in service code.
Following is the log on my development machine (window xp 32 bit)
Data Packet Length > 1100. The length of packet=1481
Header info=00F7
Deleted STAN=006645=Q, 006645=R, 000503=Q, 000503=R, 000645=Q, 000645=R, 009495=Q, 009495=R, 004959=Q, 004959=R, 006099=Q, 006099=R, 005437=Q, 005437=R
Data Packet Length > 1100. The length of packet=1559
Header info=0208
Deleted STAN=007223=Q, 007223=R, 006089=Q, 006089=R
Following is the log on client machine (window 7 64 bit)
Data Packet Length > 1100. The length of packet=1481
Header info=00F730323030F23ECCD188E1800000000000
Deleted STAN= 070100=R, 821103=Q, =Q, =Q, 090199=R, 000100=R, =Q
Data Packet Length > 1100. The length of packet=1559
Header info=020830323130F23ECCD18EE1840000000000
Deleted STAN=Q, =Q, =Q, 070100=R, 000000=Q, 000000=R, =Q, =Q, =Q
Please note that service pick Header info=00F7 on my development machine while on client machine it pick Header info=00F730323030F23ECCD188E1800000000000
Header info=0208 on my development machine
Header info=020830323130F23ECCD18EE1840000000000 on client machine
And the second difference that on my development machine it successfully make the request, response pair
Which can be shown in following log (R for response and Q for request)
Deleted STAN=006645=Q, 006645=R, 000503=Q, 000503=R, 000645=Q, 000645=R, 009495=Q, 009495=R, 004959=Q, 004959=R, 006099=Q, 006099=R, 005437=Q, 005437=R
But on client machine
Deleted STAN 070100=R, 821103=Q, =Q, =Q, 090199=R, 000100=R, =Q
Please can some one help me, that why service show different behavior on two machine even when providing data (data packet) are same .