Set last item added (not the last item in the listview) to listview as selected item
I have been trying to get the last item added to my listview as selected. This does not mean I need to select the last item in the listview, I need the last one added.
(I know that for the last item I can use something like: listview.Items[Items.Count - 1].Selected = true. However, because of the item sorting, the last added item may not be the last one in the list)
I have wrote this method and I pass it the filename of the last item added and then I compare it against all items in the listview, if filename matches, then I set its selected property to true. However, this does not seem to work, anyone got some ideas as to why and how I could possibly implement this?
This is the code:
private void selectLastAdded(string lastAdded)
String[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folderBrowserDialog4.SelectedPath);
foreach (String file in files)
String fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file);
if (fileExtension == ".jpg" || fileExtension == ".bmp" || fileExtension == ".png")
string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);
string creationDate = fileInfo.CreationTime.Date.ToString();
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(fileName);
long bytes = fileInfo.Length;
float megaB = (bytes / 1024f) / 1024f;
string subItem = megaB.ToString("0.00") + "MB";
item.Tag = file;
string filenameLastAdded = Path.GetFileName(lastAdded);
if (item.Text == filenameLastAdded)
listView1.Items[item.Index].Selected = true;
foreach (ListViewItem myItem in listView1.Items)
string test = myItem.Tag.ToString();
string testfilename = Path.GetFileName(test);
string filenameLastAdded = Path.GetFileName(lastAdded);
if (testfilename == filenameLastAdded)
listView1.Items[myItem.Index].Selected = true;