I have a SearchForm where user enters data in textboxes, btnSearchClick displays data in a datagridivew if there is data in the database. This works fine.
If no data is returned, I need message box to say no search returned, enter a new record.
My messagebox pops up for both when there are records returned AND when there are no records returned.
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//this binds all textboxes to the dgv. This works fine
dgvSearch.DataSource = bindingSource1;
//Need help here. Only display messagebox if there are no records returned.
//It pops up each time, even when there are records returned.
if (dgvSearch.Rows.Count < -1)
dgvSearch.ReadOnly = true;
MessageBox.Show("No search results returned, clear your search and enter new case");
} }