
Speech recognition Weather Class C#

Marcus Nickel

Marcus Nickel

Sep 17 2012 4:09 AM

I need your help. I programming a private Speech Recognition in C#.
So far so good. Yesterday I took the weather function and put it into an own class. Before I've done this, it works fine. But now, I've the following Problem:

If I check the weather or temperature at the first time, after I start the program, the weather forecast works fine. But if I ask a second time, the function repeats and if I ask more than 2 times, it loops.

Here my code, I hope someone of you can help me!



else if (e.Result.Grammar.Name == "Weather")

                switch (e.Result.Text)
                    case "Computer, wie ist das Wetter in Erpel?":

                        sage("Ich suche die aktuellen Wetterdaten!"); // say string

private void get_weather_now_pic_information()
            if (Wetter_heute.weathercodenow == 113)
                if (DateTime.Now.Hour < 7 && DateTime.Now.Hour > 18)
 pictureBox1.ImageLocation = "Ico/_weather/sunny_night.png";
 pictureBox1.ImageLocation = "Ico/_weather/sunny.png";
 label7.Text = Wetter_heute.weathercode_lbl.ToString();


//Weather Class

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication10
    class Weather
        public string weathererpelchecktime_str;

        public string weathererpelnowtemp_str;
        public string weathererpelnowclouds_str;
        public string weathererpelnowlufthum_str;
        public string weathererpelnowluftspeed_str;
        public string weathererpelnowluftdir_str;
        public string weathererpelnowluftdeg_str;
        public string weathererpelnowsight_str;
        public string weathererpelcodenow_str;

        public void Get_Weather()

            //Hole Wetterdaten
            XmlDocument WeatherErpelNowdoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode WeatherErpelPressure =
            XmlNode WeatherErpelNow =
 XmlNode WeatherErpelTod =
   XmlNode WeatherErpelTom =
   XmlNode WeatherErpelTDAT =

            weathererpelchecktime_str =

            weathererpelnowtemp_str = WeatherErpelNow["temp_C"].InnerText.ToString();
 weathererpelnowclouds_str = WeatherErpelNow["cloudcover"].InnerText.ToString();
 weathererpelnowlufthum_str = WeatherErpelNow["humidity"].InnerText.ToString();
 weathererpelnowluftspeed_str =
 weathererpelnowluftdir_str =

            weathererpelnowluftdeg_str =

            weathererpelcodenow_str = WeatherErpelNow["weatherCode"].InnerText.ToString();

            weathererpelnowsight_str = WeatherErpelNow["visibility"].InnerText.ToString();

// Weather Class
class Weather_today
        Weather weather_cs = new Weather();
        Form1 Main = new Form1();
         public string weathercode_lbl = "",
         weathererpelnowtemp = "",
                 weathererpelnowclouds = "",
                 weathererpelchecktime = "";

                 public string weathererpelnowluftdir = "",
                 weathercodestr = "",
                 weathercodetodstr = "",
                 weather_today_str = "",
                 schwuelestr = "",
         windstr = "";

         public string weathererpelnowlufthum = "",
           weathererpelcodetod = "",
 weathererpelcodenow = "",
         weathererpelnowsight = "";
 public string weathererpelnowluftdeg = "", weathererpelnowluftspeed = "";
 public double weathertempnow = 0,
 weatherwolkendichtenow = 0,
 weatherhumi = 0,
 weatherwindspeednow = 0,
 weatherluftdeg = 0, 
 weathercodenow = 0,
 weathercodetod = 0,
 weathersightnow = 0;
int tempnowint = 0, wolkendichte = 0, humidity = 0, windspeed = 0, luftdeg = 0, sight = 0, weathercodenowint = 0, weathercodetodint = 0;
        bool schwuelecheckbool = false;

        private string weather_result_str1 = "";
        private string weather_result_str2 = "";
        private string weather_result_str3 = "";

// Get_Weather_today Function
public void Get_Weather_today()

            weathererpelnowtemp = weather_cs.weathererpelnowtemp_str;
            weathererpelnowclouds = weather_cs.weathererpelnowclouds_str;
            weathererpelnowlufthum = weather_cs.weathererpelnowlufthum_str;
            weathererpelnowluftspeed = weather_cs.weathererpelnowluftspeed_str;
            weathererpelnowluftdir = weather_cs.weathererpelnowluftdir_str;
            weathererpelnowluftdeg = weather_cs.weathererpelnowluftdeg_str;
            weathererpelcodenow = weather_cs.weathererpelcodenow_str;
            weathererpelcodetod = weather_cs.weathererpelcodetod_str;
            weathererpelchecktime = weather_cs.weathererpelchecktime_str;
            weathererpelnowsight = weather_cs.weathererpelnowsight_str;
            weather_today_str = weather_result_str3;

public void set_today_str()
            if (weathererpelnowluftdir.Equals("E"))
                weather_result_str1 = 
(String.Format("{0} {1} Grad Celsius. Die Windgeschwindigkeit beträgt {2} Kilometer pro Stunde und weht aus {3} Grad, östlicher
Richtung. {4}.", weather_today_str, weathererpelnowtemp, weathererpelnowluftspeed, weathererpelnowluftdeg,
            else if (weathererpelnowluftdir.Equals("SE"))
                weather_result_str1 = (String.Format("{0} {1} Grad Celsius. Die Windgeschwindigkeit beträgt {2} Kilometer pro Stunde und weht aus
{3} Grad, süd-östlicher Richtung. {4}.",weather_today_str, weathererpelnowtemp, weathererpelnowluftspeed,
weathererpelnowluftdeg, weather_result_str2));


   if (weathererpelcodenow == weathererpelcodetod)
          { weather_result_str2 = "Im weiteren Verlauf des Tages bleibt es " + weathercodetodstr; }
          { weather_result_str2 = "Im weiteren Verlauf des Tages wird es" + weathercodetodstr; }

            weather_result_str3 = "Zur Zeit " + weathercodestr + "." + schwuelestr + windstr + ", bei einer Temperatur von " + weather_result_str1 + 

private void check_Weathercode_today()
            switch (weathercodenowint)
                case 395:
                    weathercodestr = "ist mit mittleren bis starken Gewitterschauern zu rechnen ";
                    weathercode_lbl = "Mittlere-starke Gewitterschauer";


private void check_Weathercode_today_forecast()
            switch (weathercodetodint)
                case 395:
                    weathercodetodstr = "mittlere bis starke, gewittrige Schneeschauer";


private void checkschwuele_today()
            //Werte für Schwüle gemäß Wikipedia
            if (humidity >= 99 && tempnowint == 16) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 93 && tempnowint == 17) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 88 && tempnowint == 18) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 83 && tempnowint == 19) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 78 && tempnowint == 20) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 74 && tempnowint == 21) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 70 && tempnowint == 22) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 66 && tempnowint == 23) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 62 && tempnowint == 24) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 60 && tempnowint == 25) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 56 && tempnowint == 26) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 53 && tempnowint == 27) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 50 && tempnowint == 28) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 47 && tempnowint == 29) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 45 && tempnowint == 30) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 43 && tempnowint == 31) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 40 && tempnowint == 32) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 38 && tempnowint == 33) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 36 && tempnowint == 34) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 34 && tempnowint == 35) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 32 && tempnowint == 36) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (humidity >= 30 && tempnowint == 37) schwuelecheckbool = true;
            if (schwuelecheckbool == true) schwuelestr = "schwül";
            else schwuelestr = "";

private void set_Vars_Weather_today()
            weathertempnow = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowtemp);
            tempnowint = Convert.ToInt32(weathertempnow);
            weatherwolkendichtenow = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowclouds);
            wolkendichte = Convert.ToInt32(weatherwolkendichtenow);
            weatherhumi = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowlufthum);
            humidity = Convert.ToInt32(weatherhumi);
            weatherwindspeednow = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowluftspeed);
            windspeed = Convert.ToInt32(weatherwindspeednow);
            weatherluftdeg = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowluftdeg);
            luftdeg = Convert.ToInt32(weatherluftdeg);

            weathersightnow = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelnowsight);
            sight = Convert.ToInt32(weathersightnow);
            weathercodenow = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelcodenow);
            weathercodenowint = Convert.ToInt32(weathercodenow);
            weathercodetod = Convert.ToDouble(weathererpelcodetod);
            weathercodetodint = Convert.ToInt32(weathercodetod);

private void check_Wind_Situation()
            if (schwuelecheckbool == true)
                if (windspeed <= 1) windstr = "Es ist"+ schwuelestr + " und windstill";
                else if (windspeed >= 2 && windspeed <= 19) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und leicht windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 20 && windspeed <= 28) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und schwach windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 29 && windspeed <= 46) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und mäßig bis frisch windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 47 && windspeed <= 56) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und stark windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 57 && windspeed <= 74) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und stürmisch";
                else if (windspeed >= 75 && windspeed <= 83) windstr = "Es ist"+ schwuelestr + " und stürmt";
                else if (windspeed >= 84 && windspeed <= 102) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und stark stürmisch";
                else if (windspeed >= 103 && windspeed <= 120) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und stürmt orkanartik";
                else if (windspeed >= 130 && windspeed <= 194) windstr = "Es ist" + schwuelestr + " und es tobt ein Orkan";
                if (windspeed <= 1) windstr = "und es ist windstill";
                else if (windspeed >= 2 && windspeed <= 19) windstr = "und es ist leicht windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 20 && windspeed <= 28) windstr = "und es ist schwach windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 29 && windspeed <= 46) windstr = "und es ist mäßig bis frisch windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 47 && windspeed <= 56) windstr = "und es ist stark windig";
                else if (windspeed >= 57 && windspeed <= 74) windstr = "und es ist stürmisch";
                else if (windspeed >= 75 && windspeed <= 83) windstr = "und es stürmt";
                else if (windspeed >= 84 && windspeed <= 102) windstr = "und es ist stark stürmisch";
                else if (windspeed >= 103 && windspeed <= 120) windstr = "und es stürmt orkanartik";
                else if (windspeed >= 130 && windspeed <= 194) windstr = "und es tobt ein Orkan";

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