Dear all,
I am trying to get net figure using variable.
declare @ConsAcct as nvarchar(1000)
set @ConsAcct =(select distinct substring((select ''''+ AcctCode + ''',' from oact y where y.fathernum='502000' for xml path('')),0,LEN((select ''''+AcctCode + ''',' from oact y where y.fathernum='502000' for xml path('')))) from oact x)
---this gives me '502100','502200','502300','502400','503000' in @ConsAcct variable
select sum(Debit) from jdt1 inner join oact on jdt1.account=oact.acctcode where
oact.fathernum in (@ConsAcct)
but after runnning querry it gives me 'NULL' result
But when i run same query only in place of variable i have hardcoded the no's its give me proper result
select sum(Debit) from jdt1 inner join oact on jdt1.account=oact.acctcode where
oact.fathernum in ('502100','502200','502300','502400','503000')
I can't understand what may be the reason....
Plz give me some solution