
SQL Query to update random records with data

onmyway365 .

onmyway365 .

Jan 19 2016 1:38 AM
Hi all,
I hope you can help me.
I am busy testing a C# app, and would like to update 200 database records with data for testing. I would like to update random 10% of certain fields with data. 
This is the table structure: 
FROM [InterfaceInfor].[dbo].[ProjectMaster]
I would like something like this (some pseudo code):
UPDATE TOP (200) * FROM [InterfaceInfor].[dbo].[ProjectMaster]
SET  ([Finance_Project_Number] = '' (random 10%),
         [Finance_Project_Type] = '' (random 10%), )
         [Finance_Project_Region]= 'GAUTENG' (random 10%), )
         [Processing_Result]= '0' (random 10%), ) 
         [Finance_Project_Type] = '' (random 10%) ) 
Thank you in advance!  

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