Can someone assist me with robust logic in storedprocedure.
I want to to basically implement logic to say if total hours is greater than 80, then total hours minus the (Sum(hours) - 80 as CorrectedHours, else display total hours.
The max hours is 80, so if users is under 80 hours to display the negative value, but print out there max number,
SUM(hours) Totalhours,
SUM(hours) - 80 DifferentHours,
IIF(SUM(hours) > 80 , SUM(hours) - (SUM(hours) - 80), SUM(hours)) CorrectedHours2, Im not for sure if this is right.
FROM dbo.ColorTable
ColorId ColorItem TotalHours DifferentsHours CorrectedHours
1 red 90 10 80
1 blue 81.5 1.5 80
1 black 80 0 80
4 brown 79 -1 79