SSH connection response not updating my GUI immediately
Hi Guys,
I'm pretty new to Threading and delegates, I've got this simple little app that I was working on just to learn to use the SharpSSH library in my larger application. I wanted to get an active update to a rich text box that i have on my form everytime I i get a response from sending a runCommand method my RTB only seems to update when the sshexec connection is closed any tips or steering me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated :).
What i find a little strange is that it will write to the console but not to the RTB...
below is my class:
namespace ThreadedApplicationTest
public partial class Form1 : Form
SshExec myShellExecutor = new SshExec("","xx","xxxxx");
string result = "";
public Form1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
result = myShellExecutor.RunCommand("ls");
richTextBox1.Invoke((ThreadStart)delegate() { updateRTB(result); });
result = myShellExecutor.RunCommand("hostname");
private void updateRTB(String s)