
SSIS multiple table loads using single DFT

vipin jha

vipin jha


I am new to the SSIS. I am trying to load multiple tables from my staging database to multiple tables in the data warehouse. My staging database is nothing but a database with all the tables from all my source databases copied to it. I found that each data flow task only allows to connect one source table to one destination table.

I am having 100 of SSIS package of 100 Tables.
I want to make single SSIS package to laod all the 100 tables usning single DFT.
I have a filmaster table which containing the list of source table and destination table name, and input will be the filename , on the basis of filename my DFT will take the source and derstination table and run the package accordingly.

Is this approach is correct, or is it possible, is dynamically column mapping is possible.

Please suggets some ideas on above concern

Vipin Jha
Answers (5)