I have a strored procedure which when I test in Sql Server Management Studio returns value for example 1980.19712674283 for the same values I call it in code behind.
But when calling in code behind it returns empty (I got an error DBNull can not be converted...) which is not true. Below I post part of the code and I use the textboxes to be sure that the values are exactly the same I expect to be. But I can not discover why I get empty in the code.
Here is the code:
if (counter > 1)
index = Convert.ToInt32(textpost.IndexOf(","));
pres1 = textpost.Substring(0, index-1);
pres1 = textpost.Substring(0, textpost.Length);
TextBox7.Text = pres1;
TextBox8.Text = pList1.SelectedItem.Value.Trim();
SqlCommand distpostSqlCommand1 =
new SqlCommand("Procedure1", linpostConnection);
distpostSqlCommand1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter postParameter1 = new SqlParameter
("@Ime1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60);
postParameter1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
postParameter1.Value = pres1;
SqlParameter postParameter2 = new SqlParameter
("@Ime2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 60);
postParameter2.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
postParameter2.Value = pList1.SelectedItem.Value.Trim();
SqlDataReader distSqlDataReader;
distSqlDataReader = distpostSqlCommand1.ExecuteReader();
while (distSqlDataReader.Read())
//if (distSqlDataReader[1] != DBNull.Value)
Int32 pomalor = Convert.ToInt32(distSqlDataReader[1]);
in the last line I got the error "Object can not be cast from DBNull.
Here is what I get as a result from the stored procedure in SQL;
I have two columns:
Ime1 Distance in m
Mc Donalds 1980.19712674283
I can not understand from where I get this DBNull when viewing the site in web browser. Can anybody help me please?
Thank you very much in advance.