
Strange ADO.net issue

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Grandy Peace

Grandy Peace

The particulars: I have a 2.0 ASP/C# app, making use of Sql Server 2000 on the back end. There are 3 actual machines in play here:

1. DB server - windows 2003, Sql Server 2000
2. Web server - windows 2003, .net 2.0 & .net 1.1
3. My own work station - windows 2003, .net 2.0 & 1.1

The app works fine on my computer (which doubles as a testing machine), interacting with the database on the DB Server. When I upload it to the webservcer, however, problems arise.

It's a simple app, and everything works except one specific thing on the backend: editing information (it's a membership directory for a client). You can add and delete no problem. The page itself has a simple searching mechanism, a gridview to display results of a search (including partial matches), and then a details view (dvMember) for the specifics of a result. dvMember is bound to a datasource, dsMember. dsMember has Select and Update commands - both stored procs. dvMember is a mishmash of boundfields and templatefields currently.

When I try to edit a member on the production server, I get the following error message:

"@original_MemberID is not a parameter for procedure spEditMember. "

Well, that's correct. There is no such paramater for spEditMember. Furthermore, there's no such data anywhere inside the control or on the page. spViewMember is the select command, and it pulls no such thing out of the database. I have no idea where this is coming from. There is a MemberId paramater, it's the PK for tblMember int he database. Again, the proc itself lacks the referenced parameter in the error message. Again, this works on my machine. But when I move it to the production server, nada. I'm not sure where to look for the cause of the problem. I haven't found anything crazy on the .aspx page or in the codebehind. Is it some difference between how things are set up on the live server and how they're set up on mine?