SQLiteDataAdapter thisAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter("Beginning time of SELECT FROM in Table 1", conn);DataSet thisDataSet = new DataSet();thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, "Record "); // in this line error this column query indicates the string was not recognized as a valid datetime????dataGridView1.DataSource = thisDataSet.Tables[ "Record"];
But for other non datetime type column query the program without any problems
SQLiteDataAdapter thisAdapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter("The SELECT Title FROM Table 1", conn);
DataSet thisDataSet = new DataSet();
thisAdapter.Fill(thisDataSet, "Record");
dataGridView1.DataSource = thisDataSet.Tables["Record"];
It has the string variable into a datetime type library into the library, why at query time display the string was not recognized as a valid datetime????
It has the string variable into a datetime type library into the library, why at query time display the string was not recognized as a valid datetime????
It has the string variable into a datetime type library into the library, why at query time display the string was not recognized as a valid datetime????