structures as out parameters of Unmanaged functions
I have to invoke a dll fucntion of unmanaged code which passes a pointer to the structure to the callback fucntion. In that callback fucntion, I ought to collect the passed values of the structure fields.
the structure definition is
typedef struct pborca_direntry { CHAR szComments[PBORCA_MAXCOMMENT + 1]; LONG lCreateTime; LONG lEntrySize; LPSTR lpszEntryName; PBORCA_TYPE otEntryType;}
PBORCA_TYPE is a enum
I've used a class in managed code equivalent to the above structre defined as follows
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential,CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
public class ORCA_Dir
//[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst=20000 )]
public string commnts;
public int lCreateTime;
public int lEntrySize;
//[MarshalAs( UnmanagedType.LPStr)]
public string lpszEntryName;
//public int otEntryType;
public Ptype pt;//enum
I've invoked the callback through a delagate too. It's executing finely.The unmanaged dll function is entering into the my managed defintion of callback fucntion.
But when I'm atttempting to retrieve values of the above defined structure in the callback fucntion(DEFINED IN THE MANAGED CODE), it's showing me the error "Identifier out of scope".
Please suggest me a solution at the earliest.