I am not an expert in VB.NET by any means. I just converted our VB 6 program to VB.NET in the last several months. In VB.NET, there are several events that I am utilizing that I didn't necessarly use before. Almost all of my combo boxes use the Click, KeyDown, LostFocus and SelectedValueChanged events. These are great when needed, but they slow everything down when I load up the form. I have dozens of combo boxes in my program...especiall my second screen.
I could be doing the Form_Load wrong, but when the form comes up I load the combo boxes using Items.Add. But, that always triggers the above events. Because of this (partly), my screen takes some 25-30 seconds to load. Since those events are unnecessary at Form_Load time, I was trying to figure out how to bypass them just in the Form_Load section.
I searced the internet the last 2 days for an understandable solution, but my limited VB knowledge maybe was getting in my way. Remove/Add Handler seemed to be a popular choice, but I don't know if that is what I should be using. If it is, what is a simple example of how to use them? I appreciate any help at this point. I have rolled out the program and I am getting a lot of grief for this long pause they are dealing with.
Thanks in advance,