well here is the description of my problem
I have a component in which all the methods are static let
the skeleton is like below
public Class Component
public static void St_F1(--,--,--)
--- -
public static void St_F2(--,--,--)
--- -
public static void St_F3(--,--)
--- -
public static void St_F4(--)
--- -
now these functions are called in other class MyClass in
the delegate MyDlg that is called when the Capture event
public Class MyClass
private Scanner myobj=new Scanner();
myobj.Capture+=new CaptureEventHandler(MyDlg);
private void MyDlg(---,--,---)
Now i make 2 objects of MyClass each of them has a unique
value of myobj.id
MyClass ClassObj1=new MyClass();
MyClass ClassObj2=new MyClass();
Now both of these instances of the MyClass have to call
event myobj.Capture+=new CaptureEventHandler(MyDlg);
implicitly nad may be event occurs from both objects at a time i want to make the call to the each Static Function called in the body of MyDlg synchronized. So as Only one object may call the Static function at a time. How to achieve this. Plz help Me
Thnx in Advance