
Table size issue since conversion to asp.Net

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I'm fairly new to development. I've been able to work through any issues that I have had so far but I have hit upon something recently that I can't seem to fix and it's driving me crazy.

I wanted to add an email contact page to my site so I downloaded a tool that my ISP/Host uses. It generated my HTML and C# script for me automatically, it works but it was rubbish. The HTML was static and the C# was embedded in the web page using <script> tags. One thing that irritated me was the fact that you couldn't resize the message box.

So I re-wrote and refactored the code replacing the static HTML with asp.Net controls; neatly placing the C# in a separate file. I added some validation and was able to re-size the message box using and asp.Net text box control.

It works great, however since I've done that there is a huge blank space to the right of my email form and I can't get rid of it!

I have a masterpage that has one dynamic body content in the middle of a 3*3 table. The email form on a dynamic page between the correct tags in a 2*6 asp.Net table control.

Everything is set to size auto. I've tried setting the size manually and it pushes an image in the master page table to the right of the dynamic content all the way over to the right.

How do I get rid of the blank space without it shifting my images?

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