test field value in datatables
i want to select username and password for only user who are confirmed from admin else alret message that it is still un confirmed this my code behind which i try
public bool Login(string user, string pass)
string sel = string.Format("SELECT * FROM Tbl_Users WHERE U_UserName ='{0}' and U_PassWord ='{1}'", user, pass);
DataTable tbl = Search(sel);
if ((tbl.Rows[13] = true) && tbl.Rows.Count == 1)
return true;
return flase;
the tbl.Rows[13] is for field index
protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Mem m = new Mem();
if (m.Login(txtuser.Text, txtpass.Text) == true)
utility.CreateCookie("login", new string[] {"U"},
new string[] {txtuser.Text}, ChkReM.Checked, Response);
Response.Write("<script> alert('login success');</script>");
else if (m.Login(txtuser.Text, txtpass.Text) == false)
// Response.Write("<script> alert('your account is not active');window.location='Default.aspx'; </script>");
Response.Write("<script> alert('error in user name or password');</script>");