Hi C# coders,
Here's my code..in frmMain.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
Goodday C# coders,
Here's the code
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Apriori
public partial class frmMain : Form
#region Global Variables
Dictionary<int, string> m_dicTransactions = new Dictionary<int, string>();
Dictionary<string, double> m_dicAllFrequentItems = new Dictionary<string, double>();
int m_nLastTransId = 1;
public frmMain()
private void btn_AddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ValidateInput(txt_Item, false))
string strNewItem = txt_Item.Text;
foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in lv_Items.Items)
if (lvItem.Text == strNewItem)
MessageBox.Show("Item (" + strNewItem + ") already exists", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
txt_Item.Text = string.Empty;
txt_Item.Text = string.Empty;
private void btn_DeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count > 0)
for (int i = lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
List<int> lst_Transactions = new List<int>();
string strItemtoDelete = lv_Items.CheckedItems[i].ToString();
if (ItemIsRemovable(strItemtoDelete, ref lst_Transactions))
string strTransactions = string.Empty;
foreach (int nTransactionId in lst_Transactions)
strTransactions += nTransactionId.ToString() + ",";
strTransactions = strTransactions.Remove(strTransactions.Length - 1);
MessageBox.Show("Can not delete item " + strItemtoDelete + ", item exists in transactions " + strTransactions, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
MessageBox.Show("please choose items to add", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
private bool ValidateInput(TextBox txtBox, bool bIsNumber)
if (txtBox.Text.Length == 0)
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "please enter value");
return false;
if (bIsNumber && int.Parse(txtBox.Text) > 100)
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "please enter value between 0 and 100");
return false;
errorProvider1.SetError(txtBox, "");
return true;
private void btn_AddTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (lv_Items.CheckedItems.Count <= 0)
MessageBox.Show("please choose items to add", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
string strTransactiondic;
string strTransactionLV = GetTransactionFromListView(out strTransactiondic);
ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(m_nLastTransId.ToString());
lvi.Tag = m_nLastTransId;
m_dicTransactions.Add(m_nLastTransId, strTransactiondic);
private void btn_EditTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nChosenTransactions = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count;
if (nChosenTransactions > 1 || nChosenTransactions == 0)
MessageBox.Show("please choose one transaction to modify", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
int nTransId = (int)lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0].Tag;
string strTransaction = m_dicTransactions[nTransId];
foreach (ListViewItem lvi in lv_Items.Items)
lvi.Checked = false;
foreach (char cItem in strTransaction)
for (int i = 0; i < lv_Items.Items.Count; i++)
if (lv_Items.Items[i].Text == cItem.ToString())
lv_Items.Items[i].Checked = true;
private void btn_EndEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nTransId = (int)lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0].Tag;
string strTransactiondic;
string strTransactionLV = GetTransactionFromListView(out strTransactiondic);
m_dicTransactions[nTransId] = strTransactiondic;
ListViewItem lvi = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems[0];
lvi.SubItems[0].Text = nTransId.ToString();
private void btn_DeleteTrans_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int nChosenTransactions = lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count;
if (nChosenTransactions < 1)
MessageBox.Show("please choose at least one transaction to delete", "Alert", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
for (int i = 0; i < lv_Transactions.CheckedItems.Count; i++)
private void btn_ClearTransactions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Clear All Transactions ?", "Apriori", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation) == DialogResult.OK)
m_nLastTransId = 1;
private void btn_Solve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
#region validation
if (!ValidateInput(txt_Support, true) || !ValidateInput(txt_Confidence, true))
if (lv_Transactions.Items.Count <= 0)
MessageBox.Show("Enter Transactions first", "Apriori", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
private void txt_Confidence_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsDigit(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back;
private void txt_Item_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
e.Handled = !char.IsLetter(e.KeyChar) && e.KeyChar != (char)Keys.Back;
private string GetTransactionFromListView(out string strTransactiondic)
strTransactiondic = string.Empty;
string strTransactionReturn = string.Empty;
foreach (ListViewItem lviCheckedItem in lv_Items.CheckedItems)
strTransactiondic += lviCheckedItem.Text;
strTransactionReturn += lviCheckedItem.Text + ",";
strTransactionReturn = strTransactionReturn.Remove(strTransactionReturn.Length - 1);
return strTransactionReturn;
private void Solve()
double dMinSupport = double.Parse(txt_Support.Text) / 100;
double dMinConfidence = double.Parse(txt_Confidence.Text) / 100;
////Scan the transaction database to get the support S of each 1-itemset,
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItemsL1 = GetL1FrequentItems(dMinSupport);
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItems = dic_FrequentItemsL1;
Dictionary<string, double> dic_Candidates = new Dictionary<string, double>();
dic_Candidates = GenerateCandidates(dic_FrequentItems);
dic_FrequentItems = GetFrequentItems(dic_Candidates, dMinSupport);
while (dic_Candidates.Count != 0);
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSets = GetClosedItemSets();
List<string> lstMaximalItemSets = GetMaximalItemSets(dicClosedItemSets);
List<clssRules> lstRules = GenerateRules();
List<clssRules> lstStrongRules = GetStrongRules(dMinConfidence, lstRules);
frmOutput objfrmOutput = new frmOutput(m_dicAllFrequentItems,
private Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> GetClosedItemSets()
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSetsReturn = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>>();
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents;
for (int i = 0; i < m_dicAllFrequentItems.Count; i++)
string strChild = m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(i);
dicParents = GetItemParents(strChild, i + 1);
if (IsClosed(strChild, dicParents))
dicClosedItemSetsReturn.Add(strChild, dicParents);
return dicClosedItemSetsReturn;
private List<string> GetMaximalItemSets(Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, double>> dicClosedItemSets)
List<string> lstMaximalItemSetsReturn = new List<string>();
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents;
foreach (string strItem in dicClosedItemSets.Keys)
dicParents = dicClosedItemSets[strItem];
if (dicParents.Count == 0)
return lstMaximalItemSetsReturn;
private bool IsClosed(string strChild, Dictionary<string, double> dicParents)
foreach (string strParent in dicParents.Keys)
if (m_dicAllFrequentItems[strChild] == m_dicAllFrequentItems[strParent])
return false;
return true;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetItemParents(string strChild, int nIndex)
Dictionary<string, double> dicParents = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int j = nIndex; j < m_dicAllFrequentItems.Count; j++)
string strParent = m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(j);
if (strParent.Length == strChild.Length + 1)
if (IsSubstring(strChild, strParent))
dicParents.Add(strParent, m_dicAllFrequentItems[strParent]);
return dicParents;
private List<clssRules> GetStrongRules(double dMinConfidence, List<clssRules> lstRules)
List<clssRules> lstStrongRulesReturn = new List<clssRules>();
foreach (clssRules Rule in lstRules)
string strXY = Alphabetize(Rule.X + Rule.Y);
AddStrongRule(Rule, strXY, ref lstStrongRulesReturn, dMinConfidence);
return lstStrongRulesReturn;
private void AddStrongRule(clssRules Rule, string strXY, ref List<clssRules> lstStrongRulesReturn, double dMinConfidence)
double dConfidence = GetConfidence(Rule.X, strXY);
clssRules NewRule;
if (dConfidence >= dMinConfidence)
NewRule = new clssRules(Rule.X, Rule.Y, dConfidence);
dConfidence = GetConfidence(Rule.Y, strXY);
if (dConfidence >= dMinConfidence)
NewRule = new clssRules(Rule.Y, Rule.X, dConfidence);
private double GetConfidence(string strX, string strXY)
double dSupport_X, dSupport_XY;
dSupport_X = m_dicAllFrequentItems[strX];
dSupport_XY = m_dicAllFrequentItems[strXY];
return dSupport_XY / dSupport_X;
private List<clssRules> GenerateRules()
List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn = new List<clssRules>();
foreach (string strItem in m_dicAllFrequentItems.Keys)
if (strItem.Length > 1)
int nMaxCombinationLength = strItem.Length / 2;
GenerateCombination(strItem, nMaxCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn);
return lstRulesReturn;
private void GenerateCombination(string strItem, int nCombinationLength, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
int nItemLength = strItem.Length;
if (nItemLength == 2)
AddItem(strItem[0].ToString(), strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
else if (nItemLength == 3)
for (int i = 0; i < nItemLength; i++)
AddItem(strItem[i].ToString(), strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
for (int i = 0; i < nItemLength; i++)
GetCombinationRecursive(strItem[i].ToString(), strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn);
private void AddItem(string strCombination, string strItem, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
string strRemaining = GetRemaining(strCombination, strItem);
clssRules Rule = new clssRules(strCombination, strRemaining, 0);
private string GetCombinationRecursive(string strCombination, string strItem, int nCombinationLength, ref List<clssRules> lstRulesReturn)
AddItem(strCombination, strItem, ref lstRulesReturn);
char cLastTokenCharacter = strCombination[strCombination.Length - 1];
int nLastTokenCharcaterIndex = strCombination.IndexOf(cLastTokenCharacter);
int nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent = strItem.IndexOf(cLastTokenCharacter);
char cNextCharacter;
char cLastItemCharacter = strItem[strItem.Length - 1];
if (strCombination.Length == nCombinationLength)
if (cLastTokenCharacter != cLastItemCharacter)
strCombination = strCombination.Remove(nLastTokenCharcaterIndex, 1);
cNextCharacter = strItem[nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent + 1];
string strNewToken = strCombination + cNextCharacter;
return (GetCombinationRecursive(strNewToken, strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn));
return string.Empty;
if (strCombination != cLastItemCharacter.ToString())
cNextCharacter = strItem[nLastTokenCharcaterIndexInParent + 1];
string strNewToken = strCombination + cNextCharacter;
return (GetCombinationRecursive(strNewToken, strItem, nCombinationLength, ref lstRulesReturn));
return string.Empty;
private string GetRemaining(string strChild, string strParent)
for (int i = 0; i < strChild.Length; i++)
int nIndex = strParent.IndexOf(strChild[i]);
strParent = strParent.Remove(nIndex, 1);
return strParent;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetFrequentItems(Dictionary<string, double> dic_Candidates, double dMinSupport)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int i = dic_Candidates.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
string strItem = dic_Candidates.Keys.ElementAt(i);
double dSupport = dic_Candidates[strItem];
if ((dSupport / (double)(m_nLastTransId - 1) >= dMinSupport))
dic_FrequentReturn.Add(strItem, dSupport);
m_dicAllFrequentItems.Add(strItem, dSupport);
return dic_FrequentReturn;
private Dictionary<string, double> GenerateCandidates(Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItems)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_CandidatesReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
for (int i = 0; i < dic_FrequentItems.Count - 1; i++)
string strFirstItem = Alphabetize(dic_FrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(i));
for (int j = i + 1; j < dic_FrequentItems.Count; j++)
string strSecondItem = Alphabetize(dic_FrequentItems.Keys.ElementAt(j));
string strGeneratedCandidate = GetCandidate(strFirstItem, strSecondItem);
if (strGeneratedCandidate != string.Empty)
strGeneratedCandidate = Alphabetize(strGeneratedCandidate);
double dSupport = GetSupport(strGeneratedCandidate);
dic_CandidatesReturn.Add(strGeneratedCandidate, dSupport);
return dic_CandidatesReturn;
private string Alphabetize(string strToken)
// Convert to char array, then sort and return
char[] arrToken = strToken.ToCharArray();
return new string(arrToken);
private double GetSupport(string strGeneratedCandidate)
double dSupportReturn = 0;
foreach (string strTransaction in m_dicTransactions.Values)
if (IsSubstring(strGeneratedCandidate, strTransaction))
return dSupportReturn;
private bool IsSubstring(string strChild, string strParent)
foreach (char c in strChild)
if (!strParent.Contains(c))
return false;
return true;
private string GetCandidate(string strFirstItem, string strSecondItem)
int nLength = strFirstItem.Length;
if (nLength == 1)
return strFirstItem + strSecondItem;
string strFirstSubString = strFirstItem.Substring(0, nLength - 1);
string strSecondSubString = strSecondItem.Substring(0, nLength - 1);
if (strFirstSubString == strSecondSubString)
return strFirstItem + strSecondItem[nLength - 1];
return string.Empty;
private Dictionary<string, double> GetL1FrequentItems(double dMinSupport)
Dictionary<string, double> dic_FrequentItemsReturn = new Dictionary<string, double>();
foreach (ListViewItem lviItem in lv_Items.Items)
double dSupport = GetSupport(lviItem.Text);
if ((dSupport / (double)(m_nLastTransId - 1) >= dMinSupport))
dic_FrequentItemsReturn.Add(lviItem.Text, dSupport);
m_dicAllFrequentItems.Add(lviItem.Text, dSupport);
return dic_FrequentItemsReturn;
private bool ItemIsRemovable(string strItem, ref List<int> lst_Transactions)
string strTransaction;
bool bItemRemovable = true;
foreach (int nTransaction in m_dicTransactions.Keys)
strTransaction = m_dicTransactions[nTransaction];
if (strTransaction.Contains(strItem))
bItemRemovable = false;
return bItemRemovable;
private void EnableControls(bool bEnable)
btn_AddItem.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_DeleteItem.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_AddTrans.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_EditTrans.Visible = bEnable;
btn_DeleteTrans.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_ClearTransactions.Enabled = bEnable;
btn_Solve.Enabled = bEnable;
lv_Transactions.Enabled = bEnable;
The event for adding a new variable to a list-item-box rests on entering into txt_item.Text. But it constantly refuses digits accepting only alphabets. Why? Could it be:
private string Alphabetize(string strToken)
// Convert to char array, then sort and return
char[] arrToken = strToken.ToCharArray();
return new string(arrToken);
Please I need to find how to allow the textbox to accept alphanumeric.