
The name '____' does not exist in current context.

 There areas that this error is occurring is highlighted in yellow (there are only three). 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace TaskoneBinaryConverstion
class Program
static string userNumber = "";
static int answer = 0;
static Boolean userInputOk = false;
static void Main()
Console.WriteLine("This program will convert binary to decimal");
//Give user instructions
Console.WriteLine("Please enter a binary number");
//read in the user binary number assign it to a variable
userNumber = Console.ReadLine();
if (userNumber != "")
userInputOk = true;
foreach (char currentChar in userNumber)
//checks individual digit to ensure it is either a 1 or 0
if (currentChar != '1' && currentChar != '0')
userInputOk = false;
Console.WriteLine("An error has occurred, please only use 1 or 0");
//if the user did not input either a one or zero the program will not preform the function and
//will re-iterate the question
userInputOk = false;
while (userInputOk == false);
// end loop when all digits have been delt with
//display convereted number
Console.WriteLine("Answer= " + answer);
//prevent console from closing
//prevents program from crashing
//loop through the given number (string)
//starting from the last number down to the first number
//read from file method... this is the method which gets called if a valid file is found at the beginning.
private static void readFromFile()
//readFromFile binary lines from set file
String[] tempCodes = File.ReadAllLines(armCodeFile);
//execute the following code for each line of the file
foreach (string currentcode in tempCodes)
//set the code to the usernumber variable
UserNumber = currentcode;
//display the answer
Console.WriteLine(currentcode + " To decimal = " + answer);
private static void currentMultiplicationFactor()
answer = 0;
int currentMultiplicationFactor = 1;
for (int index = userNumber.Length - 1; index > -1; index--)
if (userNumber[index] == '1')
answer += currentMultiplicationFactor;
currentMultiplicationFactor *= 2;
Answers (1)