
Throwing exceptions linkedList

Hey, im creating a exception class to use on my addItem() method to add items to a list
Im getting a error when im throwing the expeption - Unreported exception
Here is my code -

public void addItem(StockItem aItem) throws Exceptions
        Iterator<StockItem> addItemIterator = itemList.iterator();
        boolean addAnother = true;
        while (addAnother == true)
                System.out.println("Add item Interface");
                System.out.print("Enter ItemID\t :>");
                String itemId = sc.next();
                System.out.print("Enter Description\t :>");
                String description = sc.next();
                System.out.print("Enter price\t :>");
                double price = sc.nextDouble();
                System.out.print("Enter Quantity\t :>");
                int quantity = sc.nextInt();
                System.out.print("Enter re-order level\t :>");
                int reOrderLevel = sc.nextInt();
                StockItem item1 = new StockItem(itemId, description, price, quantity, reOrderLevel);
                while (addItemIterator.hasNext())
                    if (addItemIterator.next().getItemID().equals(itemId))
                       Exceptions a = new Exceptions();
                       throw a.AddMethodException("Item already exists");
                System.out.print("Add another (Y/N)\t :>");
                String add = sc.next();
                if ("n".equals(add))
                    addAnother = false;

Here is my exceptions class

public class Exceptions extends Exception

    public Exceptions()

    public Exception AddMethodException(String message)
        return null;

    public Exception DeleteMethodException(String message)
        return null;
