
Timer Not Working in Derived Class.

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Brandon Lewis

Brandon Lewis

I have a little issue with a timer not working here, which is quite the bother! lol. Its got be baffled, as there are no compiler errors,
no crashes, and no logic errors I can see. It just simply doesnt trigger the timer tick event handler for the derived ReadStatus class. Any ideas?
I tried to make it as simple as possible (in the real application its a much larger amount of code!) so itd be easy to read. Check it out and
see if you can come up with anything!

public class SystemStatus
    protected Timer warningTimer = new Timer()

    public SystemStatus()
        warningTimer.Interval = 500;
        warningTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(warningTimer_Tick);

    public virtual void SetLevel(int level)
        if(level == 1 || level == 2)
                warningTimer.Enabled = true;
                warningTimer.Enabled = false;

            //Perform some irrelevant updating stuff

    protected virtual void warningTimer_Tick(object sender,
        EventArgs e)
        //Do some irrelevant stuff

public class ReadStatus : SystemStatus
    public ReadStatus() : base()


    public override void SetLevel(int level)
        if(level == 1)
                warningTimer.Enabled = true;
                warningTimer.Enabled = false;

            //Do some class specific updating here.    

    protected override void warningTimer_Tick(object sender,
        EventArgs e)
        //Do some different stuff specific to this class

For some reason, when I start the timer in an instance of the ReadStatus class, the warningTimer_Tick event handler never gets triggered even though
if I set up break points, I can clearly see that the timer is being started. Is this some sort of an inheritance glitch??? Thanks!

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