I have 3 levels in my treeview
When I click child2 I am able to expand it and view child2-1 and child2-2
But I'm not able to expand Child2-1
This is what I tried in my code--------------
protected void TreeViewArtMaterial_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.QueryString.Keys.Count > 0)
int intCatID = 0;
int intSubCatID = 0;
int intSubSubId = 0;
intCatID = Int32.Parse(ContentPlaceHolder1.Page.Request.QueryString["CatId"]);
if (intCatID != 0)
intSubCatID = Int32.Parse(ContentPlaceHolder1.Page.Request.QueryString["SubCatID"]);
if (Request.QueryString.Keys.Count > 2)
//Third level nodes;
//TreeViewArtMaterial.Nodes[intCatID - 1].ChildNodes[intSubCatID - 1].ChildNodes[intSubSubId-1].Expand();
TreeViewArtMaterial.Nodes[intCatID - 1].ChildNodes[intSubCatID - 1].Expand();
}//if (intCatID != 0)
}//if count