I need code to solve this given complex algorithm in C#. Its very urgent and important for me.
The mission here is to write 2 layer algorithm in C#. This algorithm is a part of an existing system to plan and manage transportation. In this system there are passengers, station & vehicles. Your mission is build X number of lines that will pass in the stations, collect the passengers and take them in shortest way to the destination.
The efficiency is measured in 2 parameters -Time and Cost. More passengers in every vehicle= less money (price per 1 seat) .On the other side, more passengers in every vehicle = longer time to destination. The system have to provide the planner a tool to control this 2 element(time & money).
Planning the route must be on Google map using Google API on public transportation roads.
The output required in two tables.
1. Route Number (from internal generator) with list of stations and passengers that will be collect in every station and time table (time it will take to go from a-z (+time from station to station), and distance from station a to station z. Not in every station there is 1 minute delay, the algorithm must have a kind of drop down button to control this "loading time".
2. Vehicle List: (for example) route 77 using a vehicle that carry 3 passengers, the time. The distance, the total price of the line/ route 78 using vehicle that can carry 16 passenger, the time. The distance, the total price of the line.
I have also attache the .bak database file.