this is the code:
if (client_s.Search())
found_clients = new Client[client_s.ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count];
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = client_s.ds.Tables[0];
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
for (j = 0; j < dr.ItemArray.GetLength(0); j++)
if (dr[i] == null)
dr[i] = "";
found_clients[i] = new Client((string)(dr["clientNum"]), (string)(dr["clientId"]), client_s.fileNums, (string)(dr["clientComment"]), (int)(dr["parentNum"]), (string)(dr["parentName"]), (string)(dr["parentLastName"]), (int)(dr["parentNatureNum"]), (string)(dr["parentAddres2"]), (string)(dr["parentStreet"]), (string)(dr["parentPOB"]), (int)(dr["parentCityNum"]), (string)(dr["parentZipCode"]), (int)(dr["parentCountryNum"]), (string)(dr["parentEmail"]), (string)(dr["parentPhon1"]), (string)(dr["parentPhon2"]), (string)(dr["parentPhon3"]), (string)(dr["parentPhon4"]));
when i'm runnig this code i get "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'" messege. how can i convert from dbnull to string? (i want to allow "null" in my database)
I try also this code to put between (part ot the code):
if ((string)(dr["parentPhon4"]) == null)
"parentPhon4"]) = "0";
but i get the seme messege
thanks mali