unable to modify session values in Thread
I have page1.aspx, in page load I have function which will be called in Thread as
<pre lang="msil">if (isEmail == 1)
//objmyClass.deliveryType = "email";
Thread cwpThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessMyList));
if (isFax == 1)
//objmyClass.deliveryType = "fax";
Thread abc = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ProcessMyList));
In the above code ProcessMyList will be called in thread & in this function I am assigning session values as <pre lang="midl">Session["EmailFileIds"] = "1234";
Session["FaxFileIds"] = "4321";</pre>
. But when I navigate to another page, I am not able to read these session values.
help me in this regard.