Ungroup shape in word file in c#
Hi, I have a word file which contains numbers of shapes. Each shape contain some textboxes. I am copying that file to another location and assigning some values to those textboxes of those shapes. Now I have to assign the values to those textboxes then I have to ungroup those shape first then only I can assign values those text boxes. Now the problem is that when I ungroup those shapes, they change their locations in the document. I do not understand what is the problem. Here is the code
//copy the sourc file to another location
System.IO.File.Copy(Convert.ToString(source), Convert.ToString(destination));
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document obDoc = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document();
object unknown = Type.Missing;
object format = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat.wdFormatDocumentDefault;
obDoc = varWord.Documents.Add(ref source, ref unknown, ref unknown, ref visible);
//hiding a shape--working fine
obj = "shape1";
varWord.ActiveDocument.Shapes.get_Item(ref obj).Select(ref unknown);
varWord.ActiveDocument.Shapes.get_Item(ref obj).Visible = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
//ungroup the shape
obj = "Shape2";
varWord.ActiveDocument.Shapes.get_Item(ref obj).Select(ref unknown);
varWord.ActiveDocument.Shapes.get_Item(ref obj).Ungroup();
obj = "txtbox1";
varWord.ActiveDocument.Shapes.get_Item(ref obj).Select(ref unknown);
//show the word file
varWord.Visible = true;
varWord = null;