
update unable to find tablemapping 'table' or datatable 'table'.

Luke Baker

Luke Baker

Right so the title of the thread is my error (update unable to find tablemapping 'table' or datatable 'table'.). Basically I am trying to update my view when the data grid view cell is changed. This is attempted with the below code -

   private void dgvUQ_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)         {             dc.GainConnection(" ", dgvUQ, "v_stafftrainingDetails");                      }
the gain connection method is called everytime I filter data for example searching first name with text box. However I have added dataAdapter.Update() in this method to see if it will do it but im getting the above error. the gain connection code is below

public void GainConnection(string command, DataGridView dgv, string strTable)         {             SqlCommand com1 = new SqlCommand();             string conStr;             conStr = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\\NTO.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True";            SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conStr);             connection.Open();             com1.Connection = connection;             com1.CommandType = CommandType.Text;             com1.CommandText = command;             DataSet ds = new DataSet();            SqlDataAdapter sqlAdp = new SqlDataAdapter(com1);            sqlAdp.Fill(ds);             sqlAdp.Update(ds);             dgv.DataSource = ds;             dgv.DataMember = strTable;             connection.Close();          }
Thanks for help
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