
Updating DataGridView within Update Panel

Chris Clarke

Chris Clarke

Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me, I've been going around in circles for days now and can't find the solution anywhere. Upon Page Load I generate a session ID that is stored within a hidden control (label) on the form. I have two text boxes (txtSerial and txtReturn) and a button (cmdAddSerial). When this is clicked my code goes off and inserts a row into an SQL db. On the same form I have a datagridview (dgSerials) this is linked to a datasource (dsSerials). The idea is that as users enter serial numbers, the datagridview updates at the bottom showing them what they have done so far. Firstly I didn't realise you could only update the whole page or nothing. Since then I have read I need to use an update panel for my datagridview. I have also put my cmdAddSerials button within the panel. Unfortunately, it just will not update the view - I've tried coding conditional calls, letting it update always with every child control and setting up triggers - none of it works, and its driving me nuts for something that should be so simple!! Heres my code, note that unless I put this line in: If Not Page.IsPostBack Then - generate my session id, the page always reloads and generates a new session id which means my inserted records go in against a unique session and only display one row at a time. Heres the Page Code, any light anyone can shed would be greatly appeciated. TIA. Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Call GenerateSession() End Sub Protected Sub GenerateSession() If Not Page.IsPostBack Then lblCustomerID.Text = mdlConstants.getCurrentCompany Dim strQry As String Dim CurrentSessionID As Integer Dim NewSessionID As Integer strQry = "SELECT Return_Session_ID FROM Session_ID" Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FUSION_AWSConnectionString").ConnectionString 'Open the connection and execute the query Dim Conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connStr) Dim Comm As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strQry, Conn) Dim Dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader Conn.Open() Dr = Comm.ExecuteReader() Dr.Read() CurrentSessionID = Dr("Return_Session_ID") lblSessionID.Text = CurrentSessionID Conn.Close() Conn = Nothing Comm = Nothing Dr = Nothing NewSessionID = CurrentSessionID + 1 Dim strUpd As String strUpd = "UPDATE Session_ID SET Return_Session_ID = '" & NewSessionID & "'" Dim ConnUpd As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connStr) Dim CommUpd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strUpd, ConnUpd) ConnUpd.Open() CommUpd.ExecuteNonQuery() ConnUpd.Close() ConnUpd = Nothing CommUpd = Nothing End If End Sub Protected Sub cmdAddSerial_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cmdAddSerial.Click Dim strQry As String strQry = "INSERT INTO CRN_Serial_Temp (Session_ID, Serial_Number, Return_Reason) VALUES(@Session, @Serial, @Reason); SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()" Dim connStr As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FUSION_AWSConnectionString").ConnectionString Dim Conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(connStr) Dim Comm As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(strQry, Conn) Comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Session", lblSessionID.Text) Comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Serial", txtSerial.Text) Comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Reason", txtReason.Text) Conn.Open() Comm.ExecuteNonQuery() Conn.Close() If Page.IsPostBack Then txtSerial.Text = "" txtReason.Text = "" End If End Sub