Hi Everybody,
I am Updating server database with data from client database, I am using mySQL Ver 4.1, I am
unable to do that. What should I do to change the codes to make it work? I have also another
method that do the opposite data from server updates the database on client side. I need help.
There is no change in records of target database. I have saw some topics here at this forum.
The problem is Connection to server database is ok, but when "odAdapter.Update(ds,"<tablename>");" executes it returns value of 0 and on chnages made to server database, it should have 12 rows. Advanced Thanks.
public int UpdateServerTable1(DataTable dtObj)
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
int iRes = 0;
this.sqlTextServer = "Select * From <tablename>";
OdbcDataAdapter odAdapter = new OdbcDataAdapter(this.sqlTextServer,this.odServerConn );
OdbcCommandBuilder cmdBuild = new OdbcCommandBuilder(odAdapter);
iRes = odAdapter.Update(ds,"<tablename>");
catch (Exception ex)
return iRes;