Hi ,
Am working MVC4 with Jquery, I have problem with URL redirect to Controller.
when am Publish and Deploye the application to IIS Server in that time rise the Problem.
My problem Is.
When i click the a href link button it is redirect to controller.
<a her="#" id='linkbuttonId ' ></a>
Ex: in View page am getting partialview like
$('#linkbuttonId' ).click(function(){
$.get('/Home/Index', function(data){
//---my code
In IIS server Vartual Directiory folder name TestApp when iam public the application hosted in iis server and run the application.
i click the a herf link button it is not redirect to Controller.
when am change the url link in Jquery like
Its working Perfectly and redirect to controller and getting the partialview...
how can i solve the problem.
Can you please give me a perfect Deployement and how to publish the MVC 4 application in iis server
Bharath Peggem